
News Room

Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Working with police to improve infrastructure

Many of our members have been scared or injured by other road users acting dangerously. The ACT Police are trialling a new approach to using reports and evidence from the public to initiate action against dangerous drivers. We are aware of at least two reports submitted recently which the police acted upon.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Net Zero Consultation

Pedal Power is one of 56 groups agreeing that the government’s plan to decarbonise the transport sector must set strong targets to cut pollution in a fair, fast and inclusive way, shift to public, shared and active transport and accelerate electrification.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Ngamawari park works

The City Renewal Authority has begun work on Ngamawari the 30,000sqm public park coming to the Acton Waterfront.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Active travel for decarbonisation

This month, every national, state and territory bicycle organisation in Australia came together to provide a critical submission to the Australian Government on the importance of cycling in our transport decarbonisation efforts.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Another Cycle Well success

The latest Cycle Well wrapped up recently. It was a great success and participants are now off to new cycling adventures.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Protest ride a success

A diverse group joined together to call for separated bike-only paths along Northbourne Avenue and highlight the need for safe, convenient cycling infrastructure all over Canberra.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Active travel for breakfast

Over 50 Pedal Power members gathered on Tuesday 16 April at the As You Like It café in Civic around a breakfast of croissants and coffee, to discuss active travel infrastructure with Senator David Pocock.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

A tribute to Alicia Celaya Jauregui

At a special Pedal Power ride on Easter Monday, 15 cyclists stopped at the traffic lights where Alicia Celaya Jauregui was recently killed while riding her bike. Read the full tribute written by their ride leader.

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Pedal Power ACT Pedal Power ACT

Our voice heard

A large Fire and Ambulance station is being built at the south end of Clunies Ross Street. Pedal Power was consulted before construction started and our advice on how to allow for safe cycle traffic was accepted.

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